About me

Elis Unique
Experimental photographer, performance artist, poet. 
Originally from St. Petersburg, she graduated high school in Russia and moved  for university studies to Prague in 2003, where her creativity  found ways for various cooperations. 

Elis got involved into different projects and types of work, starting with composing fully dynamic  canvases for a photo exhibition project Morpheus, organized together with Prague's  young theatric "studio  Ksi" in 2007, on with exposing  at Zizkov International Photography festival in 2008 and 2009 on to a slight touch of commercial photography shooting for Schubert's cabaret revue at musical theatre Karlin in 2009. 
Then curating two joint  exhibitions on contemporary art, which she organized on behalf of Unique Vision Project at the end of 2009. In 2010 Elis exhibited a provoking series of documentary format shots at Where's your sense of humour (details) and from 2011 not only she exhibits her photographs, but she also unmasks her skills as a performer. 
Her first performance embodies a photographic passion into an interactive photographic experiment at PRAGUE BIENNALE 5, then performing at Utopia on the Abyss (video), an inhabited sculpture by Mark Divo (more video for curious ones) in the National Gallery in Prague, which was used as a backdrop for workshops and performances, Elis reveals her critical contemporary mind with strings of lambent wit presenting to visitors "Canvas on oil". 
In 2012 deeply inspired by Robert Carrithers' photo exhibit "Groovy dada lounge revisited" (video) at Fotograf Gallery she takes the initiative to pull together various performance artists and musicians to create a unique kaleidoscope of outstanding New acts of live art, a performance night, where she realizes her conceptual fetish performance "Internalizing ideas".  
The idea of body penetrations then gains a totally new dimension when Elis decides to investigate her gender identity.  In collaboration with Šárka Holá and Petr Skala  accompanied with music by Šimon Kubec Elis creates performance "V2tahy" at the opening of TransgenderMe festival in DOX in August 2012. 
In September 2012 Elis presented her texts at poetry night "Spirit is a vibration" in Nová Syntéza (cafe of Veletržní pálac, National Gallery in Prague), which was a synestesia of sound and visual performance. 
In Oct 2012 a photo project called "service for the future" by Elis Unique could be seen on Breclav international art salon
In January 2013 Elis started collaboration with Darina Alster on a video-performance piece and its sketch version was presented at Bizzare Carnival at Meetfactory in Feb 2013 (this piece was also shown by Darina Alster at 12th International Contemporary Art Fair ARTPRAGUE).  
March 11th till 28th took place Global Locals exhibition at NTK, where were presented two video-performance pieces in collaboration with Robert Carrithers and Irina Andreeva from Teatr Novogo Fronta

31.5.2013 - Wrestling with Angel live performance with Darina Alster at A la recherche de la boheme perdue in Zurich.

7.6.2013 till June 29th - Wrestling with Angel video-performance was presented at the exhibition Your Daily Darkness, which took place in Neurotitan gallery, Berlin. 

14.6.2013 - Connection live performance in interaction with video in collaboration with Gabriela Vašková at 3 D FAST FOOD annual performance art festival organized by Galerie Ferdinanda Baumana, Štěpanská 36, Prague 1

20.6.2013 - Internalizing ideas live performance at finissage of Jessica Serran's exhibition FIELD GUIDE TO THE CZECH PSYCHE, held at Běhal Féjer Institute, Pěvnostní 8, Prague 6

15.8.2013 - Internalizing ideas live performance at video NoD, Dlouha 33, Prague 1

15.9.2013 - Coffer resonance, sound performance night at Prague Biennale 6 closing ceremeny, Prague Freight railway station

12.12.2013 - 29.12.2013 East or West video presentation at Magdalena Jetelova's DES'ORIENTATION exhibition in Olomouc Museum of Art

24.4.2104 - Cult of the golden tap live performance at Galerie Václava Špály for Petr Písařík's exhibition.

Upcoming events:
přijměte pozvání na performanční experiment Theatrum Mundi, který proběhne již tuto sobotu 23.7.2016 v Karlín Studios od 15-do 21h.

All the happiness that one will ever find in his life lies within himself...

You can never have everything you want , but each and every moment of your life you will have everything you need...

The greatest power of an individual is bringing people together

Living well isn't living happy

The world is an expelling cycle

Don't trust your religion - believe in one and only God!!

I'm just a shadow of the dream last night

I don't give myself away by pieces

Dive deep into egosexuality to make a reasonable but voluptuous existence 

being an artist means being aware of the constantly changing world around and ability to enunciate it..


Таких как я жгли на костре, как ведьм, которые рождены со знанием. Скажи людям правду - тебе не поверят. Как это так - ты ничего не боишься? бесстрашие безумству сродни, нас боятся и сторонятся за версту. Мы как прокаженные по миру скитаемся в поисках, ведомые мечтой, звездой-путеводителем, ведущим в мир иной. Иной он за спиной, будь собой сейчас, неси свою веру с гордою, в небо смотрящею головой. Кто пойдет за тобой - познает истину. Кто ищет ответы, тот найдет - не поймет. Кто правде служит - тому ложь голову вскружит. И только вера знамения сеит по етой грешной земле.

Takových jako já palili v ohňi jako čarodějnic narozených s věděním. Řekni lidem pravdu - neuvěří Ti. Jak je to možný, že se ničeho nebojíš? nebojácnost se šílenství podobá, děsí se nás a obchazejí za mile stranou.
Bloudíme světem jako malomocní v hledání, směřovaném našími sny, hvězdou-průvodcem, vedoucí do jiného světa. Jiný on je za zady, ale nyní bud' sebou, pronášej svou víru s hrdostí a hlavou dívající se do nebe.
Kdo půjde za tebou - pozná podstatu věci. Kdo hledá odpovědi, ten najde a neporozumí. Kdo je pravdou posedlý - toho lež omamní. A jen víra posílá znamení této hříšné zemi.


My cat ran out of lives. 
My suicide ran out of knives..
My heart ran out of feelings, 
My puls ran out of beats, 
My fantasy ran out of colors, 
My brain ran out of speed.
My life ran out of my dreams..

I need to be re-born again, 

I'd rather hadn't even ever been born.


Prostředník mezi životem a smrti
Drží mě při smyslech, v nápětí
Nedává mi usnout, propadnout věčným sněním
Život nekončí smrti
Ozvena tvých myšlenek se ti vratí
A už nikdy neopustí..


I believe in Spirits

Wicked empty spaces,

Endless animations

-Could I be their Hero

-Could mine be their faces???

Stringent regulations,

Connections are in progress..

May I ask for your assistance?

-Give me average figures

How to avoid hertbreakers?..

Miles and miles between us..

Could we be connected??

-Don't even doubt my dear,

Our lives are Faith-

There is no Exit

But you don't need to know it.


Doufám, že mě chytné trouba,
Omamní mě zemním plynem
A budu jsem zajátce proudu
Obláků stoupajících k nebí.

V oblacích pánuje vítr.
On hasí pohanství svícne
I hvězdam roznáší písně
Unavených polních mlynů

Panovník, daruje on city
Hustému mraveništi podsvětí
Svým dejchem naděluje smyslem
Jinak absurdní lidské bytí

Otravených myslí klíny,
Smutek naruby mou duši leští
A jedině phantom víry
Mně, opilci, znovuzrození věští.


Proniknout napovědou
Do nitra prenatálna
Pohlazovat pohlédem
Svět nemateriálna

Hledím: za světlem světlo
Je světel celá řada
Letím do vzduchoprazdna
Jsem momentalně dokonalá

more texts available at http://lis-is-unique.livejournal.com/